
  RESTRUCTURING AND INSOLVENCY 2024 GERMANY Franz Aleth, Marvin Knapp (Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer) GENERAL Legislation What main legislation is applicable to ...

TRADEMARKS 2024 GERMANY Oliver Nilgen (Meissner Bolte) LEGAL FRAMEWORK Domestic law What is the primary legislation governing trademarks in your jurisdiction? ...

  LICENSING 2024 GERMANY Christof Karl (BARDEHLE PAGENBERG Partnerschaft mbB) OVERVIEW Restrictions Are there any restrictions on the establishment of a ...

INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE 2024 GERMANY Eva-Maria Barbosa, Dr. Andreas Börner, Sven Förster, Dr. Henning Schaloske, Nikolaus Wank (Clyde & ...

FOREIGN INVESTMENT 2024 GERMANY Roland M Stein, Dr. Leonard Freiherr von Rummel (BLOMSTEIN) LAW AND POLICY Policies and practices What, in ...

FINTECH 2024 GERMANY Christopher Götz, Daniel Kendziur, Jochen Kindermann, Sascha Kuhn, Sascha Morgenroth (Simmons & Simmons) FINTECH LANDSCAPE AND INITIATIVES ...

REAL ESTATE M AND A 2024 GERMANY Carsten Loll, Otto von Gruben, Tobias Klass, Lucas Schweitzer, Sebastian von Hornung (Latham & ...