Case Law

CASE LAW NO. 17/2018/AL On the Circumstance of “Thuggish Nature” in the Crime of “Murder” with Accomplices Approved by the ...

CASE LAW NO. 16/2017/AL On the Recognition of Land Use Rights Transfer Contract (Land Transfer) as an Inheritance by One ...

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CASE LAW NO. 15/2017/AL On the Recognition of Oral Agreements Between Parties Concerning the Conversion of Agricultural Land Use Rights (...

CASE LAW NO. 14/2017/AL On Recognizing the Conditional of a Land Use Right Gift Contract When Such Conditions Are Not ...

CASE LAW NO. 13/2017/AL On the payment validity of Letter of Credit (L/C) when the underlying international sale of ...

CASE LAW NO. 12/2017/AL On determining the first-time absence of duly summoned litigants after the Court has adjourned the trial ...

CASE LAW NO. 11/2017/AL on Recognizing a Mortgage Contract of Land Use Rights Where the Land Contains Assets Not Owned ...

CASE LAW NO. 10/2016/AL Cassation Decision No. 08/2014/HC-GĐT dated August 19th, 2014, of the Judicial Council of the Supreme People’...

  CASE LAW NO. 09/2016/AL The Cassation Decision No. 07/2013/KDTM-GĐT dated March 15th, 2013, of the Judicial Council of the ...

  CASE LAW NO. 08/2016/AL Cassation Decision No. 12/2013/KDTM-GĐT dated May 16th, 2013, by the Judicial Council of the Supreme ...

CASE LAW NO. 07/2016/AL Regarding the Recognition of House Sale Contracts Established Before July 1st, 1991 Approved by the Judicial Council ...

CASE LAW NO. 06/2016/AL Cassation Decision No. 100/2013/GDT-DS dated August 12th, 2013 of the Judicial Council of the Supreme People’s ...