
CASE LAW DRAFT NO. 05/2024 On Determining the Role of Instigator and Mastermind in the Crime of “Murder” Approved by the ...

CASE LAW NO. 59/2023/AL On indirect intention in the case of “Murder” Approved by the Judicial Council of the Supreme ...

CASE LAW NO. 47/2021/AL On the determination of the offense in cases where the defendant uses a dangerous weapon to ...

CASE LAW NO. 45/2021/AL On Attempted Murder Approved by the Judicial Council of the Supreme People’s Court on November 25...

CASE LAW NO. 30/2020/AL On Intentional Vehicular Murder After Traffic Accident Approved by the Judicial Council of the Supreme People’...

CASE LAW NO. 28/2019/AL On the Crime of “Murder in a State of Extreme Emotional Agitation” Approved by the Judicial ...

CASE LAW NO. 18/2018/AL On the act of murder on-duty officials in the crime of “Murder” Approved by the Judicial ...

CASE LAW NO. 17/2018/AL On the Circumstance of “Thuggish Nature” in the Crime of “Murder” with Accomplices Approved by the ...

CASE LAW NO. 01/2016/AL Cassation Decision of the Judicial Council of the Supreme People’s Court No. 04/2014/HS-GĐT dated ...