Case Law

CASE LAW NO. 29/2019/AL On the Stolen Property in the Crime of “Robbery” Approved by the Judicial Council of the ...

CASE LAW NO. 28/2019/AL On the Crime of “Murder in a State of Extreme Emotional Agitation” Approved by the Judicial ...

CASE LAW NO. 26/2018/AL On the Statute of Limitations for Dividing Inherited Real Estate Approved by the Judicial Council of ...

CASE LAW NO. 25/2018/AL On Exemption from Deposit Penalty Due to Objective Reasons Approved by the Judicial Council of the ...

CASE LAW NO. 24/2018/AL On Conversion of Inheritance Property to Individual Legal Ownership Approved by the Judicial Council of the ...

CASE LAW NO. 23/2018/AL On the validity of life insurance contracts when the policyholder fails to pay the premium due ...

CASE LAW NO. 22/2018/AL On Non-Disclosure of Pre-existing Medical Conditions in Life Insurance Contracts Approved by the Judicial Council of ...

CASE LAW NO. 21/2018/AL On Fault and Damage in Unilateral Termination of Property Lease Contracts Approved by the Judicial Council ...

CASE LAW NO. 20/2018/AL On the Establishment of an Employment Contract Relationship After the Probationary Period Approved by the Judicial ...

CASE LAW NO. 19/2018/AL On Determining the Value of Embezzled Property in the Crime of “Embezzlement of Property” Approved by ...

CASE LAW NO. 18/2018/AL On the act of murder on-duty officials in the crime of “Murder” Approved by the Judicial ...